TopazView is a JS based View Engine for ASP.NET Core

published on 2024/11/11
  • Faster startup: TopazView is designed to provide quicker startup times compared to other view engines.
  • Faster dynamic rendering: With TopazView, dynamic rendering is optimized for improved performance.
  • JavaScript syntax familiarity: TopazView employs JavaScript syntax, making it more accessible and familiar to web developers.
  • Simple learning curve: The template syntax used in TopazView closely resembles Razor, ensuring a smooth learning curve for developers.
  • Support for page models, layouts, sections, helper functions: TopazView provides comprehensive support for page models, layouts, sections, and helper functions, enabling developers to create dynamic and modular views.
  • Complete .NET API support: TopazView leverages the power of Topaz JavaScript engine to provide comprehensive access to the entire .NET API, giving developers extensive flexibility in their web development.
