LiveKit, end-to-end, open source WebRTC stack reaches 1.0

published on 2022/05/19

After 20 months and nearly 1000 commits, we're releasing version 1.0 of LiveKit. This also includes 1.0 releases for these client SDKs:

  • JS 1.0
  • Swift 1.0 (iOS and MacOS)
  • Kotlin 1.0 (Android)
  • Flutter 1.0
  • React Core 1.0 and React Components 1.0
  • Unity Web 1.0


This looks amazing and it is open source.

WebRTC "enables Web applications and sites to capture and optionally stream audio and/or video media, as well as to exchange arbitrary data between browsers without requiring an intermediary". Think of Zoom or Google Meet. Now you can built it into your own system.